TradeZero America Sees 200x Surge In New Account Applications Driven By Customer Revolt Against Restricted Trading
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NEW YORK, Jan. 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ TradeZero America, a Brooklyn, New York-based online broker dealer, announced that new account applications on Thursday, January 28 surged to more than 200 times greater than its daily average over the past year as investors sought unrestricted access to stocks that had been restricted by some retail brokers. The rate of new applications continued at the same pace overnight and into Friday morning, January 29, according to Dan Pipitone, TradeZero America co-founder. Word circulated on Thursday that TradeZero America retail clients were able to trade in stocks that had been restricted by Robinhood and other retail-oriented brokers. We believe in providing technology and market access that places knowledgeable active retail traders as close as possible to parity with i
/PRNewswire/ TradeZero America, a Brooklyn, New York-based online broker dealer that provides access to commission-free stock and options trading, reported.