Well-known faces like Priyanka Chopra, Shilpa Shetty, Anushka Sharma, among others have openly spoken about their surgeries, many like Mouni Roy have outrightly denied it. Now, Bigg Boss 14 contestant Nikki Tamboli who is known for her hot posts on social media has shared some pictures that netizens have trolled her for. | Tellychakkar.com
Ali Asgar’s children revealed how in school their classmates used to bully them with names but they were extremely proud of their father as he was a reason why people watched television for a hearty laugh | Tellychakkar.com
Stand-up comedian Sidharth Sagar, who last appeared on the Zee Comedy Show, has been roped in to play a pivotal character on 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. | Tellychakkar.com
Stand-up comedian Sidharth Sagar, who last appeared on the Zee Comedy Show, has been roped in to play a pivotal character on 'The Kapil Sharma Show'.He talks about making a comeback on the show after 2017: "I was doing a show, 'Case to .