In the meantime, Divyanka talked extensively about the show during an interview. The Yeh Hain Mohabbatein actress also talked to us about her personal and professional lives and gave some honest stories. |
The actress recently uploaded a funny video of herself and her husband, Vivek Dahiya, acting similarly. Divyanka can be heard talking nonstop in the video, believing Vivek is paying attention. However, when she looks back, she sees him engaged in another activity. |
Divyanka Tripathi is really proud of him! After getting a 101-degree fever and having an IV in the hospital, the actress shared on her Instagram account how Vivek gave one of his best performances. Vivek was reportedly experiencing cramps on stage when she posted pictures of him performing. |
Vishal Aditya Singh, whose last family drama was Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala, is returning to the genre with Siddharth Kumar Tewary’s passionate love story
'Bigg Boss 14' fame Nikki Tamboli is surely a fitness freak. She makes sure to involve everything as part of her lifestyle for better health and well-being, and is particular about regular exercises, yoga, and despite busy schedule, never misses the gym. |