Members of the New Zealand Defence Force’s (NZDF) Youth Development Unit (YDU) have returned from a rewarding deployment aimed at helping the Cook Islands Police and Prison and Probation Services support vulnerable Pasifika youth.
The NZDF personnel were part of a Joint Task Force sent on behalf of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, with a primary role of helping deliver polling kits, ballot boxes and election officials to remote areas of Solomon Islands, ahead .
With both her mum and dad coming from military backgrounds, life in the Defence Force isn’t an alien concept for Wellington student Grace Fale, but she’s now had the chance to experience first-hand what a career could be like in the Royal .
A full-capacity Go Media Stadium is set to host the largest contingent of New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) personnel commemorating Anzac Day anywhere in the world.
Ms Watkins is the first member of her family to serve in the New Zealand military, and while she doesn’t have a family connection with Gallipoli, she will lay poppies on behalf of friends and family.