The Supreme Court on Tuesday expressed its dissatisfaction with the Uttarakhand government for allowing the Dharm Sansad event despite prior notice and asked the state s Chief Secretary to ensure that no hate speeches are made at the event to be held in Roorkee on Wednesday.
A right wing group's request for a religious gathering at Roorkee has met with a firm no from the Uttarakhand police, singed by the huge controversy over hate speeches at several such events, including the one at Haridwar in December.
The apex court even warned that the Chief Secretary would be asked to be present if the state failed to take preventive steps in view of Dharm Sansad proposed in Roorkee, Uttarakhand, as per ANI.
The military's Jammu-based public relations officer had posted a tweet with pictures from an iftar organised by the Indian Army, which Chavhanke replied to, calling it "sad".