A Montgomery bar that had its business license suspended in December amid reports of violence and other problems has won the right to reopen after collaborating with Montgomery Police and promising changes.
The Montgomery City Council voted Tuesday to reinstate the license for Yu Bar & Grill at 163 East Blvd., and sibling owners Yumeitrius Manuel and Yumarcus Manuel said they plan to open again within the next 30 days.
The council originally suspended their business license nearly six months ago. Police at that time showed the council videos of a fight inside the bar and alleged marijuana use in a breezeway, then detailed a list of police calls ranging from complaints of crowding and theft in the parking lot, to a Dec. 13 attempted murder.
Montgomery City Council Votes 5-2 to Suspend Yu Bar Business License
The city council had two items on their agenda concerning the business. The items were:
1. Show cause hearing on the proposed Revocation of the business license of Yumarcus Manuel
2. Resolution revoking the business license Yumarcus Manuel
Montgomery police showed video of two different incidents that happened at or around the property of Yu Bar. The video shows illegal activity including marijuana smoking and fights. Also in the report was a shooting that took place at the business, in which a person was charged with attempted murder.