stifl stifling and we cannot stop the teachers union for giving the advice they don t think the teachers should work, but we can stop government from colluding in secret, voters have to decide do you want a government that allowed the schools to be closed for two years. democrat governors, democrat presidents, and the head of the unions, by and large democrats. samantha power, head of usaid was a witness and youp sent a letter earlier this month asking again for documentation from usaid about support for the wuhan institute of virology and other research into viruses. you have not gotten any of that documentation yet, senator. if and when you do, what do you
would i act if i went through having similar, i don t think they could ever in anyway, match the mentale toughness,me strength, fate efforttude, courage that you are describing.fa iit think you could.ra most peoplgee can.escr what amazed me most is where you find and how you find a new level, i never thought it was the possible, i nevernd thought i coul ad go through it i have seen people do through more of horrific things in war, i looked deepug inside, i said, you have to get through this you hold on. you pu t aside the pain, we all have it, i believe ite now, it isth deep in us, youp in find it, you fight for it we got it, it is inside us.yo sean: let nes talk about pierre. you traveled to numerous war zones together, he was a close friend. you said in the book, that you believe that pierre saved your life that day.
goin there s got to be some plang tl going forward inea this cleanup. and recovery to test. yeah,me i mean,an if you find asbestos in your building, you contain and remove it. you don t blow it intot blow the the county. it just seems self evidently insane. eems selso i appreciate your cog on site. that was really, reallyeresting. thanresting. and thank you. it s worth remembering that is one of his first maybe his p bidet act as joe biden shut down an oil oil pipeline that we could use right about now on the groundsou it was too dangerouss to to movp something as toxic as oilel shi through a pipeline. youp it had to ship it by rat that s a lot safer. and then, of course,. ignored yo the rail lines. a and here we m are. so you think in a moment like this, comedians would be rejoicing? there is so much to mock, but they re not because they re toou afraid to make fun on fided the people who run the governmentmake. so we decided to make a documentary. and this is an
with somebody from canada, please reach outac to me and gie me any inside information. so i h i have something more to add because it s is like basicall y we re talking about this again because there s a photo with crutches. right. that s all i neea.d more . i need canada.s up i need your help. and honestly, i did nolat brinsg this up last time, but i am going to go there this time and say you guys owe me because owe me people like me have contributede a lot to your economy. that is . so what about tampons?ed a no, no. lot tpeople.econom y. i m serious. what? because people like me who werew nineteen years old, living anywhere around the detroit earsarea, spent a lot of money getting drunk legally in windsor? no, i had no idek legally ina. okay, and it wasn t alwayss easy. when the next morning when you wake up in thatp in a hotel room witu of your friends, okay, yes, but i did it. your canada for your economy and youp need to reach out and help me,er because next, every time there s