never forget. >> powerful. yor u won'forgett let us know. yeah, no. you never talked about this in public, have you know, i'm i'm an expert in this because becau i'm actually a transse person. >> oh, really? yeah.ns i'm trans wealthy. so sometimes i have money, but people want to borrow money.he i'm broke. but i'm a i'm an advocate for the rest of the panel and say mt he might have a case for h discrepancy nation here because in the trans community have something called gender fluiandd yes. right.whic which means you cayou can swap n and out any time you want. s a . >> so i would love to see because i think this is a troll and i would love to see him do acounter and fofo discrimination. >> well, the thing is s , if its if it's a troll man, he is .? like >> how does he cover everything? how does he make sure it's likes ithis is it's there's been no break in in the role. there's not like where are where is his where hiswhere ar s and his family, they say, oh, that's what what's its name.t