are you ready for president kamala harris?y for pt kamala harris? oh, we ve got her latest word cp salad. that s coming up tonight. also tonight, new details from g the federal criminal wait untilion into the biden family syndicate. wait until you hear donald trump s brand new nickname for joe biden. well, it s a little reminiscent of hillary. we ll put it that way. tha also, karine jean-pierre was just caught lying about joe and his cheat sheet. di kad you see the cheat sheet? it even had to say, you youot i m like, you got to be kidding at me. it eve hn haadd to remind who is his own cabinet. h that s how bad it was.t i bet economic news, but we never have good economic news with him as president. gooanyway, things are getting worse. the great larry kudlow right larr. n studio but first tonight, a big day for joe biden, perhaps his tim favorite time of the year. it was bring your kid to worko o day at the white house. the but yeah, it was.nowhere to b but for once, hunt
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sent 72 new republicans to f.d.r. one of the most successful presidents in history and if not for him, god help us out. you liken speaker pelosi to fdr. i remind you, that during her speakership we spent in the last two yours, in this congress, we spent $6 trillion. do you remember her saying this is the end of deficit spending? we racked up $3 trillion a year counting. guest: you are counting the $1 trillion of the bush administration, and the $1 trillion of tax cuts which you refuse to tell me how to pay for the tax cuts. so, a trillion here, a trillion there, so it was not the end of deficit spending and we ram through a 2,000 page piece bureaucratic medaling called health care reform,