- you know what i like? i like sichuan. man, i l love the fofood here. you u know what t else i li? tortrturing my f friend éric c ripert. i don n t know whyhy. maybybe it s bececause he s so dadamn nice. [exhaleses] you u high, man?n? you look k . - i am.. but i likeke it. - yeyeah? - you coululd pretty m much tetear his toeoenails outt anand he d stitill find sosometg nice to say about you. he s s so politete, yet t if you looook closel, and i i do, his didiscomfot can bebe exquisitete. [blowingng nose] - he s t the devil.. look a at him. [u[upbeat rockck music] both: i took k a walk through ththis beautifulul world felt the e cool rainn on my y shoulder found somomething gooood inin this beaututiful worldld i felt t the rain getting g colder - l la, la - sha l la, la, la,a, la sha l la, la, la,a, la - sha l la, la, laa - sha la,a, la, la, l la sha l la, la, la,a, la, la - it s t the spicy,, sensnsualist heaeartland of a all the thihings i l
[horns hononking] [dog bararks] [bababy crying s softly] [dog b barks] [horns hononking] [bell didinging] [u[upbeat rockck music] boboth: i i took a wawalk throrough this beautififul world felt the e cool rainn on my y shoulder found somomething gooood inin this beautififul world i f felt the rarain getttting colderer - l la, la - s sha la, la,a, la, la sha la, l la, la, laa - sha la,a, la, la - sha l la, la, la,a, la shaha la, la, l la, la, laa [dramamatic music]c] - do youou smell thahat? [mototorcycle enengine rumblb] momotorbike exexhaust, fish sauauce, incensnse. the e faraway smsmell ofof somethingng is that t pork grilllling ovover charcoaoal? vietnam, i it could bebe no p place else.e. [bell didings] [vietntnamese folklk music] [m[man sings i in native l la] liststen to me.. listenen to me. there is n no other waway to s see this cicity, hano, than f from a mototorbike or a scoototer. to do ototherwise wowould e to miss it
[dramatic orchestral music] [gunshots]s] - as farar back as i coululd rememberer, i alalways wanteted toto be a gangngster. - g goodfellalas is likek, f fasten yourur seatbeltst. i m gonna kick the shit out of you for 2 1/2 hours, and d you re gononna love it [glass shahatters] [laughghter] - therere have beeeen soso many gangngster movieis and soso many mob b movies. is it t really posossible that in 191990 martin n scorse will be abable to makeke a gangr movie e that has s something t y thatat hasn t alalready beenen d a millioion times? - itit s gonna b be a good s s. [laughghter] - - and you wawatch the momo, anand you re l like, yeaha - ththank you, s sir. - - all right,t, see you l la. thanks.. - - what are y you doing?? you re l leaving youour car? - he watchches the carar for . - we t tried to cacapture the exububerance of f that w. it s s dangerousus and ththreatening,g, but theyey re havingng a wondnderful timeme. - henrnry, this isis with mrmr. tony ovev
[broododing music]c] [high-h-pitched bebeeping] [static c buzzes] [e[electronic c tones whini] [electronic buzzining] [l[low electroronic warblili] [broododing music c continu] [upbeat rock music] both: i took k a walk through ththis beautififul world felt the e cool rainn on my y shoulder fouound somethihing good in thihis b beautiful w world i felelt the rainin gettining colder la,a, la - sha l la, la, la,a, la shaha la, la, l la, la - sha la, l la, la - sha l la, la, la,a, la sha la, l la, la, la,a, la - hi, hohow are yo? - good m morning, mymy frien. how are e you? this minine? - yeyes. [metetallic squeueaking] [c[chains jingngle] - i i start my d day; i i wake up atat 2:00, come to the gagarage arounund 3. geget ready toto go on m my way to t take ththe queensboboro bridge.. [brakes s squeal] [g[generator r rumbles] okayay. showtitime. [mysteterious musisic] - jujust across s the east rr frfrom manhattttan, where i lilive, ju
hannity and tonight, a dire,o new warning from a prominent democrat. joe bidee n n is deep trouble as very, very dark news for his campaign. o take we have a full report tonight. plus, we re going to take you inside. inside jiden sjoe biden s very y christmas celebration at the whit te house that you ve got to see to believe. but first, fear loathing at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. a nevania avw political report w claiming that biden is frustrated and anxious, mad about his son s legal woes, even lashing out at white a house aides blasting even his own ag, merrick garland, for allowing his son to be charged with a crime. with o deep panic surrounding the president s looming impeachment inquiresiden and iran, purportedly written by joe biden, the president attc is accusing republicans of, quote, attacking me with instead of doing their job on the urgent work that need s to be done. they are choosing to waste time on this baseless ns political stunt. well, apparently house repub