If someone were to study the color palette of my diet, they would find a lot of beige and yellow, and most of the yellow would be from butter and egg yolks. I c
super market and a duck egg, a creamier yolk but more water content in it. taste the duck egg that i made. i also made an omelet. this is a duck egg and simple it tastes like egg. the omelet is devine with this and i want it tole you guys, i made will: i like it. pete: tastes like a chicken egg. exactly. it s the same thing. rachel: you re right, yolk is creamier. like butter rey. yeah, and any of them can turn into a hard boiled egg and this omelet i made in this device. there s an omelet selection here. when you press omelet, it makes an omelet and that s how i made it for you guys. talk about peeling these. what a pain in a butt to peel all these. rachel: what are the price points on these? eggs are expensive. getting out of the chicken
easter bunny? he s least yeah, where did that come from? will: right. i know the answer joey: he s about to tell us. i m wondering now. will: thank you, joey. it s from germany. german immigrants to america brought it over, apparently, and they used to set out little nests and tell their kids that a bunny would lay colored eggs. i can t speak the german, i don t know why it took off. lisa: interesting. good job, will. joey: you did a good job with your translation earlier today will: with the latin? joey: yeah. my mom used to tell me, and i don t know if this is true or not, that the egg kind of brings it back to christianity because it represents the holy trinity, the shell, the white and the yolk? will: i ve never heard that. jee e jee my mom was like you ve got to bring with it back in. we ll celebrate the pay began side but only if it s on the
how many times do you say the world is going to end and it doesn t and we keep going along with it? i don t care about climate change if i m being perfectly honest. the same people pushing that garbage are the ones that said about covid. the science was actually never there and remember they did this what they are trying to do with electric vehicles with the gas stoves. yes. with the energy department releasing rules essentially, defacto band at gradual level. that s what they are ultimately going to do. cheryl: plastic utensils. do not make my mini bottles. speaking of tradition and i m not buying electric vehicle either just for the record. a new easter egg hunt tradition that s no yolk, dad joke there, the big sunday show debates the viral trend plus we are putting
air gives us opportunity, all of a sudden, water is not water anymore. water has a body, belongs. air gives the opportunity, all of a sudden, water is not water anymore. water has a body belongs. anthony: the truffle egg, a gelée of truffles formed into an egg shape, with an actual yolk suspended in the center. jose: this is the idea of, what if we will be feeding our chickens truffles. will their eggs become like this. anthony: served with onion puree, cream and finished with more, lots more, shaved white truffle. waiter: this is crispy chicken skin and escabeche. anthony: i m sliding this off, right into my face. jose: incredible. anthony: mm. waiter: gentlemen, this is your portion of the salt roasted foie gras. then brian s going to come finish it with a clementine sauce for you.