the law. quite frankly i thought this was an april fools day joke when i first heard it. i mean, but yolk is on american taxpayers. the biden administration their policies in his enablers in congress are making us less safe, and americans are dying and now we re going waste taxpayer dollars to incentivize people breaking the law it is crazy. lawrence: you have american people that are living pay dhoak paycheck gas prices are going up every time they go to store to pay more for beef and other goods in the store. and you would think that the administration would be more concerned about them instead they take the taxpayers money and they want to give them to illegals. attorney general thank you for standing up for the people of arizona. thank you. you got it. anthony fauci warns new covid variant are likely does that mean lockdowns will come back? plus a report with a tie between the cdc and teachers union we thought that was going down. we ll have the details on that. that s next on cr
for your souls. for my yolk is easy. my burden is light. i remember when you told me that he died in his sleep, and i said what a transition, and those words of william cullen bryant immediately leaped to my mind for he was telling us how we should aspire to transition. he wrote so live that when your summon comes to join that innumerable caravan where each must take his chamber in the
knew. he knew he knew that there was comfort in that valley. and we ve talked about this day coming. he knew there was comfort for us. that shepherd he loved so much and we love so much, once said, matthew 11:27 and onward, come on to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest. take my yolk upon you and learn of me, for i am meek and lowly in heart. and you will find rest, for your
knew. he knew he knew that there was comfort in that valley, and we ve talked about this day coming. he knew there was comfort for us. that shepherd he loved so much and we loved once so much, matthew 11:27 and onward, come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laiden, and i will give you rest. take my yolk upon you and learn of me for i am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest