instruments or radio devices, on the yolk, how he is gripping it. none of that is documented unless you have a video. on the security side, to understand what is going on in the cockpit in the midst i will give you an example. the regent jetblue situation about two years ago, the captain had a breakdown. the co-pilot was able to coax him out of the cockpit. he locked the door. the captain is running up and down screaming we re not going to las vegas. to visually see what is going on in that cockpit is important. hurry up. ed, one more thing, the issue of the live stream of the video i think is a good idea. it can be triggered along with the idea of flight monitoring if the plane deviates from the flight path. here s what people don t understand when it comes to pilot against cameras in the cockpit. if you work for a company they give you a cell phone. everything in the phone belongs to cnn. they can take it at anytime and uss it. everything in my e-mail belongs
you are lured as so many are to rivers of green promised by vegas, it s nice if you can get yourself a playroom. gentlemen, this is foam. he doesn t say air. water is not water anymore. water has a body, belongs. the truffle egg, truffles formed into an egg shape with an actual yolk suspended in the center. i think we will be feeding our kichickens truffles. served with onion puree, and
those free range eggs that boy was flipping? and how come i break the yolk and he doesn t? exactly. i just don t like the fake expressions. is that a mini carne? they are recreating a press conference. all that have is is i don t know. when buck said a mini carne he meant a young person on the carne family and greg is like a mini carni, a circus performer. you know what happened with the posters is they hired an interior designer to do the home. they said look this is fashion. you can t even walk into buck s apartment without being smacked in the face with an american flag. you walk in here and there is propaganda on the walls. they are using this for obama 2016. the only thing keeping you from walking into the apartment is the fact you used it in the third person, buck s apartment. the odor is coming from
democracies. here in this country, once the battleground of europe, we meet in the hub of a union that brings together age-old adversaries in it peace and cooperation. the people of europe, hundreds of millions of citizens, east, west, north, south, are more secure and more prosperous because we stood together for the ideals we share. and this story of human progress was by no means limited to europe. indeed, the ideals that came to define our alliance also inspired movements across the globe. among those very people, ironically, who had too often been denied their full rights by western powers. after the second world war, people from africa to india threw off the yolk of
yolk of colonialism and secured their independent. in the united states is thes took freedom rides and endured beatings to put an end to segregation and secure their civil rights. as the iron curtain fell here in europe. the iron fist was unclenched and nelson mandela emerged upright proud from prison to lead a multiracial democracy. latin american nations rejected dictatorship and built democracies and asian nations showed that development and democracies could go hand in hand. the young people in the audience today, young people like laura were born in a place and a time. when there is less conflict and more freedom than in any time in