MUMBAI, Nov 29: Yoga Guru Ramdev has apologised for his remark on women for which the Maharashtra State Commission for Women (MSCW) had issued him a notice, the panel’s chairperson Rupali Chakankar said. At a public event in Maharashtra’s Thane district last week, Ramdev said women can look good in anything, saree, salwar kameez or “even when they wear nothing”. He had shared stage at the event with state Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis’s wife Amruta Fadnavis. Taking cognisance of […]
Yoga teacher Ramdev has sounded off about "Bollywood and drugs" and has named Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan's son in a controversial speech on Saturday that has gone viral.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Supreme Court Tuesday came down heavily on Yoga Guru Ramdev for criticising allopathy and allopathic practitioners, saying he needed to be restrained from abusing the doctors and other systems of treatment. India News | SC Raps Yoga Guru Ramdev for Criticising Allopathy, Doctors.