Weve got to look at for eight months e were doing this so i think following procedures is something you have to look at time is expired if he wishes. He doesnt wish. Good morning. The president who had no role in the white house asked you to deliver that message to Attorney General Sessions the president could have picked up the phone himself at any time and called the Attorney General. The president also had a full staff of executive employees right down the hall. So this made me wonder if the president thought what he was doing was legal why didnt he
just pick up the phone and call the Attorney General Sessions or why not ask any member of his staff who worked right down the hall to deliver a message . It is clear to me that he went to you is because everyone said no so i want to ask you about that. Two days before meeting you, the president called white House Counsel mcgahn on a saturday to fire the Special Counsel saying and you can see that on the screen, mueller has to go. Call m
recognized thank you, mr. chair. it s been made clear here you re not an employee and you admitted you have no w2, no card, nothing. you were not an employee and you r were a policeman at one time, so you know something about the law and about following the law. didn t you think it was a little strange the president would sit down with you one-on-one and ask you to do something that you knew was against law did that strike you as strange i disagree with the premise of your question you weren t a policeman i didn t this president asked me to go anything illegal. you didn t think it would have been illegal for you to ask mr. sessions to drop the investigation and to go on to future presidents and omit everything with this president and go we re going to start with the next one about k4r50uding with russia? you didn t think that was illegal to obstruct justice? congressman, the president didn t ask me to go anything l illegal. obviously you ve never been a judge and won t be
correct? if that s what s in the report you told sessions you wanted to meet in person rather than on the phone. you could have just read the message from the president over the phone, but you knew it would make it harder to persuade sessions so you wanted to meet with him in person correct? if that s what the report states, yes so the tournl works at the department of justice, but you told the special counsel you didn t want to meet in the department of justice because you knew if new you went into a public building, there s a public log of the visit and you specifically told the counsel you didn t want to quote, a public law, log of your visit, is that right? that s accurate why is that why didn t you want to leave a paper trail. jeff and i are friends socially and i wanted to have the opportunity to relay the conversation which the president asked me to ask jeff to consider gi giving
contacts, which i don t recall having thank you i yield back gentleman yields back. the gentleman from florida thank you, mr. chairman i just want to follow up with mr. johnson. the mueller report says one months later, a month after your june 19th meeting after you return ed from vacation, the president met again followed up on the request to have sessions limit the scope of the russia investigation. just to clarify that he did do that but i want to go back to the meeting on june 119th. the president asked you to write down word for word the script he wants the attorney general of the united states to deliver correct? sorry, can you give me the reference again? well let me do this previously, you testified because it s reported in the mueller report that the president asked you to deliver a message to sessions and write this down. page 91. this is the first time the president asked him to take dick
he dick katated to you a messag give sessions. have you been the secretary for the president. many times. oh, we got your qualifications now l you were a secretary could it, ask you outside of white house channels and that s what mueller wrote, this was outside of white house channels. could have been he asked you to get the message to sessions because he thought you would do whatever he asked even if it was illegal or immoral, just like your former boss who said you were an ifrmentor. usa today said your background is largely as a trump guy, not as much a strategist, not a campaign manager, but a right hand man, body man and enforcer. esquire said the one time campaign manager for donald trump has the traits of an enforcer and the conflict resolution skills to match and you have, you ve even