Auctioneer: Warren Thompson and Barry Ellis
22 Fall Bulls – $6,898
270 Two-Year-Old Bulls – $,6130
355 Total Bulls Average $6,376
Rugged, powerful, feed efficient, PAP tested cattle and great customer service are few of many things that continue to bring customers back year after year to the Lucky 7 Angus “COWBOY BULLS!!! ” Annual Production Sale, held every first Saturday of March, in Riverton, Wyoming. The Jensen family has a long time reputation for creating cattle that are designed to help make their customers profitable. Congratulations on a great sale!
Lot 14 at $13,500, LUCKY 7 CONFIDENCE PLUS 024, DOB 2/17/21, #19927030, STERLING CONFIDENCE PLUS 804 x LUCKY 7 MILLICENT 8124, Sold to DeGrand Angus, Baker, Montana.
15 Fall Yearling Hereford Bulls – $4,150
9 Registered Hereford Open Heifer Calves – $1,933
Mark and Cathy Largent along with family held their 39th Annual Desert Mart “Prime Event” Sale on Nov. 19, 2020 offering a great selection of Coming Two-Year-Old Bulls, Fall Yearling Bulls and fancy weaned heifer calves. The Largent family focuses on raising “real cattle that will work in the real world” the cattle are raised on the wind-blown plains outside of Kaycee, Wyoming, and are developed on a growth ration and long stem hay. Congratulations on a great sale!
Two Year Old Bulls
Lot 1 at $16,500, L3 DESERT TORO 996, DOB 4/17/19, OR TP DESERT PRIME x L3 LADY DURATION 240, Sold to C.V. Ledbetter & Sons Inc. , Okmulgee, OK.