21 Composite Bulls Average $4110
62 Total Bulls Averaged $4250
5 Broke Geldings Averaged $10,100
Lot 2 at $9,000, COMBINATION x MORGANS DIRECTION 233, 3/16/20, Sold to Price Cattle Ranch, Daniel, Wyoming
Lot 9 at $8500, HERRING HOBART 4 x MISSING LINK 9118, 3/15/20, Sold to Atkinson Ranch, Garrett, Wyoming
Lot 16 at $7,000, MOUNTAIN MAN x BLACK WATCH 8005 588, 4/11/20, Sold to Castle Peak Ranch LLC, Walden, Colorado
Lot 42 at $7,000, TIMBER LINE x HERRING LEGEND 38 469, 3/29/20, Sold to Castle Peak Ranch LLC, Walden, Colorado
Lot 70 at $7,000, BROKER x LEGEND ANGUS 039, 4/22/20, Sold to Castle Peak Ranch LLC, Walden Colorado
High Selling Ranch Horse
Lot 103 at $18,250, “Dingus”, 2013 AQHA Black Gelding, BRUNSON MONEY MAKER x BHR MATTS SKITTLES, Sold to Darrell Carmaletti, Craig, Colorado
Auctioneer: Warren Thompson and Barry Ellis
22 Fall Bulls – $6,898
270 Two-Year-Old Bulls – $,6130
355 Total Bulls Average $6,376
Rugged, powerful, feed efficient, PAP tested cattle and great customer service are few of many things that continue to bring customers back year after year to the Lucky 7 Angus “COWBOY BULLS!!! ” Annual Production Sale, held every first Saturday of March, in Riverton, Wyoming. The Jensen family has a long time reputation for creating cattle that are designed to help make their customers profitable. Congratulations on a great sale!
Lot 14 at $13,500, LUCKY 7 CONFIDENCE PLUS 024, DOB 2/17/21, #19927030, STERLING CONFIDENCE PLUS 804 x LUCKY 7 MILLICENT 8124, Sold to DeGrand Angus, Baker, Montana.