condemnation of the failed systems. greg: also like he wanted to skip out because of the early bird special. [laughter] jesse: dinner at six, rep of questions. greg: turkey chicken soup? do we have to talk about this for two more minutes? seven more minutes. judge, go ahead appearance be to do you want me to start right now? greg: talk about how you feel. judge jeanine: about what? greg: about biden. judge jeanine: i m mad at him. i met they are inviting people over appearance before i m not mad at him. judge jeanine: that is so shocked. jessica: i think jesse is mad at him. that we are more mad at him. jesse: did you notice the lack of hyperbole when he s with foreign leaders but the hyperbole is directed at the american citizens. why is that? judge jeanine: and jen psaki where did she get her
so i have every confidence in the american covid team. president biden: right now, every chance to have dinner with a number of folks and very shortly here and so thank you for your attention. thank you for your questions. thank you. chancellor merkel: thank you. greg: see you later, that was fun pure and scintillating. i think my legs are numb. the better part of this whole thing when he was talking about reconciliation and he said he stopped because he said it would confuse the listening audience. because we all get easily confused. [laughter] chassis, there was some interesting things. he criticized socialism and communism and i hear the squad is working on impeachment. jesse: yeah, the squad screaming at the television after he said communism is a failed system and socialism is not a good replacement. bernie can t say it,
says you should go and compliment somebody in a very not creepy no references to body parts unless you work in a butcher shop. i m going to do you judge, have you great tastes in leather goods. judge jeanine: you like that burgundy leather jacket. greg: jesse are statuesque and intelligent. jesse: that s a body part. jesse: all the body parts together. greg: jesse, you really boil things down. jesse: i think you give of oa very sexy that s not a body part. it s the scent. greg: i smell like at that point oak i can t person. you are a wonderful person for being evil. we kicked off national flattery week. i fliment myself on trying to be
grow from that. we can police the police that need to be policed and also open up other countries for examination. angela merkel will not come and look at what is going on in germany. they will look at the u.k. judge jeanine: who is they, china? jessica: the u.n. officials. jesse: it is a free all expense paid trip to this country. they will run up a huge bill. and then they will not do anything. they will just smear us has racist and pat themselves on the back and joe biden gets to say see, we are a racist country. judge jeanine: and demand reparations. remember i said that on the show. jesse: they will demand reparations the judge says. we will follow it. the democratic stunt even more ridiculous. greg: all right.
could look like. i love that some of that s dogs rub and jump in and belly are flop and cannon ball. who doesn t need this happiness in their life. judge jeanine: who s poll is that? shannon: this is our house right now. i wish it was. gut gut vacation one dog pooled the other dogs. party. shannon: i will say the resort put her through college at this point how much it cost to send them there they do have a pool and go swimming and have a good time. it s hot outside. judge jeanine: take nine months. shannon: more like three or four. jesse: we will google it for you. shannon: see you at midnight tonight after gutfeld. jesse: jessica? jessica: that was out loud and on national television. jesse: i couldn t resist. jessica: no idea. shannon: flattery week. jesse: i m sorry. can you say one nasty thing about me now go.