well, i think he is right to say this is an good way to get a result on any policy, a government shut down. i don t think this is the right way to get policy outcomes to shut the government down. when we tried it, it didn t work well for us. so i think what you will hear from the majority leader, is a firmer commitment when it seems like it will matter. right now, jeff flake and lindsey graham are with the majority leader. we got 52 votes. there are other democrats i think that would like to get the yes. and i think mitch we are firmer as to where we are going to move to immigration if we don t get a solution. it will be a process where everybody will be heard. we will make a big difference. but he s got to be convinced it will matter to make that commitment. so if i were a democrat, i would go talk to my leader, schumer, and say, if you can get the majority leader to be a little more specific, i am ready to open up the government. and here s the question for all
the caribbean, to me that kind of took a veil off of what the discussion that i believe was always been about. and so now, now you know, it is not a question of trust. i think if we as congress, as co-equals do our job, something that is fair and has consensus to the president, then it is his responsibility at that point to make that call. for us to wait for smoke signals from him, i think that s a waste of time. senator graham blames steven miller for derailing immigration talks. do you also blame steven miller? steven miller and to a great extent chief of staff kelly for talking about enforcement only when it comes to an uissue of immigration. cotten, purdue and others in the senate, freedom caucus and mcsally, goodlack and steve king in the white house to continue
white house lawn to talk about the white house perspective. and mitch mcconnell, now policy director brownstein hyatt and congressional reporter from npr and msnbc contributor charlie savidge. we are also working to get garrett haik. you might have seen the side shot profile of garrett as he was asking questions. it was interesting from senator collins there. she wants mitch mcconnell to be clearer and sharper about intention related to immigration ahead of this noon vote. will he be? will mitch mcconnell take that advice? i think he is doing what he needs to do right now, highlight that chuck schumer is engaged in a filibuster of a spending bill. that s why we are in this mess. i want to hear from chuck schumer and he is not here right few. we want it to be sharper and clearer. that what we seems to want, what
to push extremely views on immigration that have nothing to do with resolving the ub issue the d.r.e.a.m.ers, yeah. that s why they have to say, not just, we hope do it. it has to be more binding and ensuring. not just for congress but for the american people as well. thank you for joining us on the show and for your perspective. i appreciate it. i want to talk back to the panel with me onset. guys, let pe just sort of reset here. we do expect, senate adjourned, you see the live shot of the capitol i think on one of our screens here. to 11:30. they will come back into session at 11:30. we know democrats and republicans are huddling back into their corners to think of their strategy coming forward. i expect in the next 30 minutes we will hear more as lawmakers come out into the hallways and reports descend. yes. where does it go over the next 30 minutes? what are the discussions happening right now behind
his intention is. that doesn t seem hard for mcconnell, is it? mcconnell is being a lot more flexible than republicans were when democrats were in this issue five years ago. remember, obama said, we won t negotiate with terrorists. so now they are saying we re not ne goesh ya negotiating immigration. chuck schumer, five years ago when they were on the erj side of the table. but the president isn t negotiating. you heard that said cloud and clear. the president will talk when the shut down is over, kelsey. the thing is there is such a lack of trust. we heard that address that a little bit when we saw the three senators out there. the question is why should people trust anybody. yesterday the line from lindsey graham was, i m not asking anybody to trust anybody. but that fundamentally what this comes down to. and garrett, i think just getting live for us now. before him, why should democrats