Stand: 27.07.2021 09:29 Uhr
Einen Herzstillstand überleben nur zehn Prozent der Betroffenen. Es könnten mehr sein, wenn sich mehr Menschen die Herzdruckmassage zutrauen würden. Wie funktioniert die Reanimation?
Bei einem Herzstillstand kann nur eine Herzdruckmassage die Überlebenschance erhöhen und bleibende Schäden am Gehirn verhindern. Mediziner befürchten, dass derzeit noch weniger Menschen als sonst helfen könnten - aus Angst, sich bei der Wiederbelebung mit dem Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 anzustecken.
Gehirnzellen sterben nach drei Minuten Herzstillstand ab
Bei einem Herzstillstand kann Erste Hilfe über Leben und Tod entscheiden.
Wenn das Herz stehen bleibt, sterben Gehirnzellen ab. Schon nach drei Minuten ohne Sauerstoff kann es zu bleibenden Schäden am Gehirn kommen. Bis ein Notarzt am Einsatzort eintrifft, dauert es im Durchschnitt rund acht Minuten. Deshalb ist es wichtig, die Herzdruckmassage sofort zu beginnen und so lange durchzuführen, bis der Notarzt kommt.
mcconnell that haven t materialized yet so there is this ongoing question of trust there and from them they are saying his delays are good enough and they say their issues will be resolved but not clear that democrats who don t have those relationships from mitch mcconnell will feel the same way. we heard kasie hunt report that some whispering in the hallway that this vote won t happen. has there been anything new on that in the last 24 minutes or so on whether the noon vote is moving forward or not? i think the noon vote is moving forward. but what is happening right now is the determining factor. the parties are in caucus meetings huddled against themselves and if democrats i think if democrats come out of their meeting an not enough people change their votes i don t know that mitch mcconnell want to see another vote on the fail. i think if there is a feeling they get there in four, five, six more hours of talking about this, they will kick the can
trust mitch mcconnell? why should anyone trust anyone chuting down the government. that not my question. why should anyone trust mitch mcconnell for doing what he said he will do? there is no reason not to let s step back. the point is that democrat are currently fill busting something the republicans passed. so republicans should trust democrats to shut the government down because they aren t getting their way. this is a function of where you are aiming that question, garrett. i know you on the hill is trying to get at that with republican and democratic senators. tell us the take aways from what you saw and heard from republican senators then we should see democrats any minute. they have been huddling behind closed doors right this second is my understanding. yeah. this comes down to language. republicans say yes they agree with their democratic colleagues
his intention is. that doesn t seem hard for mcconnell, is it? mcconnell is being a lot more flexible than republicans were when democrats were in this issue five years ago. remember, obama said, we won t negotiate with terrorists. so now they are saying we re not ne goesh ya negotiating immigration. chuck schumer, five years ago when they were on the erj side of the table. but the president isn t negotiating. you heard that said cloud and clear. the president will talk when the shut down is over, kelsey. the thing is there is such a lack of trust. we heard that address that a little bit when we saw the three senators out there. the question is why should people trust anybody. yesterday the line from lindsey graham was, i m not asking anybody to trust anybody. but that fundamentally what this comes down to. and garrett, i think just getting live for us now. before him, why should democrats
the 55-minute televised session that went out publicly. right. we don t know whether hard line voices in the house would trust president trum top take the heat so they don t get toppled. and paul ryan said you cannot buy into the house with something that some agreement that mcconnell reaches with democrats. we talked to mark meadows last night as he walked through the capitol pretty late and he said he doesn t believe there is any commitment for the house to do anything. you ve been advising people in politics like mcconnell. would you advise the president to change course? show up? do something? i would tell him to do what he is doing. why? the president isn t the problem. chuck schumer is the reason the government is shut down. i don t think the president when he was on the campaign trail, he was the deal maker. he was the guy who was going to get deals done in washington. when i talked to donald trump supporters, they loved that about him.