All rIght. WelcOme tO hannIty. N N Beaun beautIful harrIsburg pennsylvanIa. HellO, harrIsburl hag. A massIve crOwd. In just a mInute. FOrmer n In a PresIdent Trump wIll jOIn us fOr an hOur. In part, he wIll answer yOur questIOnsl be. ThInk abOut thIs. In just 13 days, early vOtIng3 s OffIcIally get underway acrOss the KeystOne State In a few daysgrOss just maIl In ballOtsl wIll gO Out In Other states. And wewIt In are Only 61 days fm what I belIeve Is an InflectIOn POInt fO dr the cOuntry thats less than twO mOnths away and thats the 2024 electIOn. The race, accOrdIng tO pOlls, I Is clOse In seven states. The latest Trafalgar POll has dOnalde Ins Trump up by twO In E State Of PennsylvanIa And State cOuld very well decIde the entIre race. NatIOnwIde, the Real Clear POlItIcs Average shOws statIstIcally It Is clOse a tIe In thesE States. MeanwhIle, left leanIng StatIstIcIans SIlver Is gIvIng PresIdent Trump a 58 Chancef Wn Of wInnIng the electOral cOllege. That tIn the O a man frOm trump
I doubt that. I know. Ha ha ha. I, i feel the same way about me. Happy wednesday, everyone. Oh, boy. Brian stelter returning to cnn. The network also announced also will be cafeteria open 24 hours a day. Cnn claims that stelters hiring is a bold Move Mov to increase their Workplace Diversity by adding a potato. Ry and who better to cover Joe Bidens last days than a vegetable . You know, brian claimed that getting fired was the best thing that ever happened to him. Even better than getting married, having kids or when wendys created the baconatohar in sandwich. Fun fact, after Being Firedhe ,stelter said he had moved to a Horse Farm, but nowre that finished eating, hes ready to return to work. Cnn staffers expressed little pleasure in stelters return, but many were hopeful that this time around hE Gets his own bathroomrn. T stelter will once again publish a reliable sources newsletter, but also get his own streaming service. Cnn plus size never over, but cnn and Brian Stelter are a perf