The newly emerged sunspot has seen a number of flares erupting on the surface of the Sun. At the time of both eruptions, the sunspot was facing Earth and a coronal mass ejection (CME) could have accompanied at least one of these solar flares.
Two X-class solar flares arrived at Earth last night and early this morning. The radiation bursts coincided with massive cellphone service outages across the U.S., but experts urge that the events may not be related.
A solar storm launched towards Earth on December 25 is expected to boost solar flare and storm activity in the next four days. Know about this development.
The chance for extreme solar flares has spiked over the past week. Click to read more. A solar storm alert warns of an increased solar flare risk this week amid several active sunspots observed from our Sun, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).