and i just got mad. and so i was standing at the foot of the bed. first i was in bed and i said to jack reading the paper, i m going to run for the united states senate against jim demint. i want to know what the reaction was. i said what? he said what all smart southern husbands did, yes, dear. on this one i said what. i got one problem with your platform. you say no yolks. see, i m not into this sort of light egg stuff. you got to put the yolk in to make it taste good. you know what we re saying is i wanted to cook jim demint s goose but now i realize he s a turkey. is that enough of a yolk for you? that s a pretty good jack, you, the most famous write-in can t was strom thurmond. what do you think your wife s chances are? the reception she s getting
you got to put the yolk in to make it taste good. you know what we re saying is i wanted to cook jim demint s goose but now i realize he s a turkey. is that enough of a yolk for you? that s a pretty good jack, you, the most famous write-in can t was strom thurmond. what do you think your wife s chances are? the reception she s getting has really been surprising. are you running tv ads? are you going to do a real campaign? you have a week and a half. yes, we just turned in a big newspaper ad. as soon as you make a donation and kathleen makes a donation and pat conroy matches his pat conroy s a good friend of yours. he has a chapter about you in his cookbook. we began today actually new process every time somebody s running for office, is on the show we say name your cut. trying to say, okay, we know we have a budget deficit. we know we have to do something