The Wright County Board of Supervisors will hold their usual Monday morning meeting beginning at 9 am. While the meeting itself will originate from the Wright County Courthouse, those wishing to participate should join the Zoom Meeting at
AJ TaylorJanuary 2, 2021Last Updated: February 28, 2021
The Wright County Board of Supervisors will hold a very busy Monday morning meeting at the Wright County Courthouse in Clarion beginning at 9am. The board will first elect a Chairman and Chairman Pro-Tem. Then the board will hear about the current COVID-19 climate from the Emergency Operations Center.
At 9:15am, the board will hold a conference call with ISG Engineering on the progress of the Wright County AgriBusiness Park. Discussion will center on construction progress and water supply rates.
The courthouse has become a concern from weathering and now the board will hear from Sadler and Ahlers Architectural Firm. Discussion will center on the progress of the work being done on the Courthouse and Professional Building Roofing project.