The interim bail has been granted on furnishing bail of Rs One Lakh along with two sureties in the like amount. The court has directed Sushil Kumar to surrender after the surgery before the jail authorities on July 30. Sagar Dhankar Murder Case: Delhi Court Grants Seven-Day Interim Bail to Wrestler Sushil Kumar for Knee Surgery.
Olympian wrestler Sushil Kumar is one of the 18 accused in the case. Additional Sessions Judge (ASJ) Shivaji Anand of Rohini Court granted custody parole to Gaurav Laura to from 12 pm to 6 pm to appear in the class 12 exam on November 5 and 9, 2022. Sagar Dhankar Murder Case: Delhi Court Grants Custody Parole to Accused Gaurav Laura To Appear in Class 12 Exam in Jhajjar.