single day, and as we know, americans drive a lot more than europeans do, you really feel it if you are a working class american. you re really feeling this. that s hard when it s a war that s so far away. and ann, it is it s a distance, and it s also, you know, we ve struggled in this country to sustain a conversation about our own democracy and about our own very real threats to protecting and honoring our most sacred democratic traditions, namely the peaceful transfer of power, which one of the two parties annihilated, obliterated, and save for liz cheney and adam kinzinger, isn t interested in restoring. i wonder if you can just speak to both ron s comments about the disgusting he used the word disgusting about donald trump speaking in a tv interview directly to vladimir putin to continue the effort of sullying donald trump s political adversaries but of sustaining our country s attention on the alliance, not just with our ally, ukraine, but with the democracy in this fight.
shot in the arm that we needed. not only speaking in terms of vaccines but actually economically we re back on track. the borders are open. bridges are open again. commerce is flowing. tourism is coming back in south texas. and better times are ahead for the working-class american. that is good to hear for the folks in your district. congressman, before voting for the build back better act last week you had voiced concerns. so what changed your mind? well, my only concerns were on the paid fors. we wanted to make sure that texas didn t get targeted just because we re an energy-producing state. but at the end of the day i think we were able to figure it out, and certainly build back better is the largest investment in american history for working-class people. and we couldn t be more proud to have passed this bill. it s going to be transformative and life-changing for many
americans, many latino americans. as you know, for the first time we ll have fully funded pre-k programs for 3 and 4-year-olds. less than 1 out of 5 latino children in america have the privilege of pre-k programs. we now have funded childcare for working-class families. we did a lot for our seniors. we are finally for the first time in american history negotiating pharmaceutical pricing. insulin, which is huge in the latino community, we have a lot of diabetes in south texas, $35 cap on insulin shots. max, $2,000 a year out of pocket. these are transformative changes that haven t been ever made in this country. president biden and this administration is doing it. but the majority of people agree that this is the right thing to do. and i think we re going to keep the house if we keep on track. so you ve explained what s in the bill and you ve explained how the bill will be beneficial to your constituents.
crippling gas prices is out of touch with the working class american. but former obama ethics chief, schwab, also weighed in saying that just a friendly reminder white house, potus will have to pay fair market value to stay on nantucket or disclose the gift of free lodging on the annual disclosure. i m not suggesting he wouldn t, just remind you not to let it slip to the cracks. the disclosure exemption, for personal hospitality, that only applies if the head of the group is staying there with the bidens. i suspect the white house is all over compliance with the rule and oblivious to the ethical optics. the new york times reported that the businessman is traveling overseas, meaning that that exemption may not apply. head of a tripped on the white house deflected questions about what kind of message the signs, with the economy in a tough spot. press secretary said that things given is a time to put politics aside and be with loved ones and share thanks. president biden said, while vis