crippling gas prices is out of touch with the working class american. but former obama ethics chief, schwab, also weighed in saying that just a friendly reminder white house, potus will have to pay fair market value to stay on nantucket or disclose the gift of free lodging on the annual disclosure. i'm not suggesting he wouldn't, just remind you not to let it slip to the cracks. the disclosure exemption, for personal hospitality, that only applies if the head of the group is staying there with the bidens. i suspect the white house is all over compliance with the rule and oblivious to the ethical optics. "the new york times" reported that the businessman is traveling overseas, meaning that that exemption may not apply. head of a tripped on the white house deflected questions about what kind of message the signs, with the economy in a tough spot. press secretary said that things given is a time to put politics aside and be with loved ones and share thanks. president biden said, while visiting coast guard members an hour ago, this message. >> what am i thankful for?