At least 10 workers were injured and five killed in a Pennsylvania chocolate plant explosion on March 24 after workers’ complaints to management about gas odors were dismissed.
Rodney Pol Jr. is committed to carrying on the work of retiring state Sen. Karen Tallian, D-Ogden Dunes, when he takes her place in the Indiana Senate beginning Nov. 1.
impacts on the wildlife are going to last for many decades. we ve seen other oil spills that are the size, for example, the plains spill up in santa barbara that harmed many marine mammals and killed fish. so we re seeing the effects of this for a long time and it is very sad to see. it sounds like this company, the oil company that is the parent of this pipeline has had previous safety violations and citations, just a few that we know of. more than a 100 violations over the past 11 years and fined $85,000 in 2013 and 2014 for two cases leading to worker injuries. one of the parent companies went through bankruptcy several years ago. do we know if they were doing something wrong here, was this just a horrible accident and tragedy or do we know what was behind this? well, we don t know