Disaster worldwide. So of course i do not call for any interference in iraq and reject it, even if it is the United States but friends also should provide advice and support and should play a role in order to bring the parties closer together. They should support their friend when they are in trouble. I mean we need weapons. We need political stand. We need an economic support and the United States need iraq to be a stable country to be secure, to be able to produce energy, to be democratic. All these are american and iraqi interests alike. Following the withdrawal of the American Forces we felt that iraq was left on its own while it was not stable yet or balanced enough and was not yet able to completely move towards a transition to a strong state. This is why at this point the center of power is balanced and situation that is something we need today. The United States politically withdrew in the last few years and they started moving or shifting their attention away from iraq but now
1 15. Up until then from this mornings washington journal, senator sanders from vermont. Host senator bernie sanders, senator from vermont, here. Thank you for being here. You served on the Budget Committee. We saw senator patty murray, the chairman, introduce her budget plan. Heres the headline in the Washington Times there are no sacred cows that calls for 1 trillion in new taxes. Whats your takeaway . Guest well, what it does is also call for substantial cuts, but it deals with deficit reduction in a balanced way. What the republicans want to do is do deficit reduction simply by cutting, cutting, cutting. Doing away with medicare as we know it. Right now converting that into a voucher system which we very, very onerous for senior citizens, making devastating cuts in medicaid which means that millions of millions of American People and kids will lose their Health Insurance. Massive cuts in education, in nutrition. Basically every program that in the middle of a terrible recession wor
Be with them and with all who labor here to serve this great nation and its people. Assure them that whatever their responsibilities, you provide the grace to enable them to be faithful in their duties and the wisdom to be conscious of their obligations and fulfill them with integrity. Remind us all of the dignity of work and teach us to use our talents and abilities in ways that are honorable and just and are a benefit to those we serve. May all that is done this day be for your greater honor and glory. Amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house her approval thereof. His approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approved. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise . Pursuant to clause 1, rule 1, i demand a vote on agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal. The speaker the question is on agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal. Those in favor say aye. Those oppose