out of work aren t considered unemployed. steve: we get that. but if you re making the allegation that this administration is monkeying with the numbers to make them look good, that is very damning. everyone knows he didn t want to lay off certain workers in certain categories and that s been well documented and well reported that he didn t want to lay off certain workers in certain categories until after the election. i mean, that s monkeying with the numbers. pete: my concern is if the numbers were greater, if there was greater job growth the month before and less this month and then the number drops, how can the number be working? the final question i have for you is people that watch the apprentice, including me and my family, they know that you hate sore losers. is the president a sore loser on this debate? how many excuses can we hear? i think it was a very embarrassing moment. i m not blaming him one way or the other. i think his people are getting very nasty about it. n
register, first two words are mitt romney. i want to read it. romney appears satisfied to settle for an economy in which fewer people succeed while the majority of americans are left to tread water or fall behind. the president and i firmly believe like my father that every man and woman is entitled to basic dignity. how does romney, john, fight that message on the campaign trail and drive a different message to those people? first thing i would do is talk about how the labor force under barack obama has shrunk by 300,000 people. these are people that are actually out of the work force because they stopped looking for work. remember the financial times last week or a couple weeks ago said the real unemployment rate was 11%, not 8.6%, but 11%, because a lot of folks that have given up looking for work aren t even included in those surveys nowadays. i think the consumer sentiment at record lows, lowest it has been since the carter administration, i think we re seeing a repeated malaise
wrong. 68% of americans disapprove of the way republicans in congress are doing their jobs. and record numbers say they don t t trt obama or the gop to fix the economy. so what happens now? president obama is set to give his major jobs speech later this week. but the outlook is dismal. and those out of work aren t holding their breath. these people that are in washington that act like they care about this country, they care about themselves. that s what they said the last time and it didn t create anjobs. the biggest message that we can send is jobs. and sticking with politics, mitt romney was among the five republican presidential candidates gathering at a tea party forum yesterday in south carolina. front-runner rick perry was also in the state, but he was campaigning elsewhere. perry cut the visit short and returned to texas to oversee firefighting efforts there. he may also back out of a major republican debate that is set fotomorrow in california. certainly some more pre