wrong. 68% of americans disapprove of the way republicans in congress are doing their jobs. and record numbers say they don t t trt obama or the gop to fix the economy. so what happens now? president obama is set to give his major jobs speech later this week. but the outlook is dismal. and those out of work aren t holding their breath. these people that are in washington that act like they care about this country, they care about themselves. that s what they said the last time and it didn t create anjobs. the biggest message that we can send is jobs. and sticking with politics, mitt romney was among the five republican presidential candidates gathering at a tea party forum yesterday in south carolina. front-runner rick perry was also in the state, but he was campaigning elsewhere. perry cut the visit short and returned to texas to oversee firefighting efforts there. he may also back out of a major republican debate that is set fotomorrow in california. certainly some more pre