donald trump. i think the process of impeachment is a robust and important process and it should proceed. i think it s going to end up in impeachment. do you have a vote figured out? i have eyes and ears and i can see what everyone sees in plain sight, which leads me to believe there s a lot of evidence there that would be grounds for impeachment. people say you re aspirational like obama was, but 2019 why won t aspiration and hope and we can do a better job and we can make it in this country, it s not nostalgia, it s optimism. bill clinton talked about hope, he was polling at 4% right now and he eventually won. barack obama this day in his race in 2007 he was 21 points behind hillary clinton but he talked aspirationally, so this is my moment. what unites us, chris, is so much stronger than what dedivides us. when you look at what happened
whatever, we have common cause and we have to fight for justice. that s aspirational. people say you re aspirational like obama was. aspirati aspiration, it s 2019. why won t aspiration and hope, and we can do a better job, and we can make it in this country. it s not nostalgia. it s optimism. why isn t that grabbing people? right now it s happening for bill clinton talked about hope. barack obama, this day in his race in 2007, he was 21 points behind hillary clinton, but he talked aspirationally. this is my moment. i m on the edge right now. i need help. i don t know why we start in iowa, but we got to play it as it lays. it s a white state. it s middle western. it s not a big state. go on to new hampshire, same deal. you have to wait until south carolina or actually a little bit in nevada.
about what can be done with the political life. looking at john lewis, what he did. his face bashed in, his head bashed in, and now all these years later he s an icon of our country. you believe in that stuff. oh, that s why i m here. god, those were leaders that called to the moral imagination of this country and made us understand. black, white, whatever. we have common cause and we have to fight for justice. even if it s not directly affecting you that s what we need right now. but that s aspirational. people say you re aspirational like obama was. but aspiration, it s 2019. why won t aspiration and hope and we can do a better job and we can make it in this country, it s not nostalgia, it s optimism. why isn t that grabbing people? right now it s happening for jimmy carter is polling at 1%. talked about decency and he eventually won. bill clinton talked about hope. he s polling at 4%. he eventually won. barack obama this day in his race in 2007 he was 21 points behind hillary