PM Modi is all set to address two big rallies in Jaipur and Bhopal on Monday and the BJP has given complete charge of the rally, stage and crowd management to the party s Mahila Morcha leaders. In Bhopal where state leaders are busy preparing for a successful program on Monday during the PM s visit, important roles have been assigned to women leaders and Mahila Morcha of the party.
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit his parliamentary constituency Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh on 23rd Sep 2023. He will take part in three different programmes and launch development projects worth more than 1,500 crore rupees. The Prim
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday stopped Bharatiya Janata Party Mahila Morcha national president Vanathi Srinivasan from touching his feet as she bent to seek his blessings. PM Narendra Modi Stops BJP Mahila Morcha Chief Vanathi Srinivasan From Touching His Feet at Party Headquarter in Delhi (Watch Video).
In the current situation, OBC women will be marginalized if they compete with forward community women in this open competition. Not only will OBC reservation help to address this but in a sense, the.