For the deliverables as well as the outcome objectives, and then as we get new fellows, we do modify the contract to make sure that the deliverables and the outcome objectives are in par with the was that your question . I think the question was, is ucsf doing this as an evaluation since are they doing it is ucsf doing their own evaluation . Right. I understand im not sure, but i can certainly get a more clear answer to that question. Given their other work in this area, im just curious if theyre going to use this as an evidence based project. Right. I assume that there would be because this is part of this Community Arts for Brain Health Initiative thats already in existence there. So yes. Thank you. Any other comments or questions from the commission . Any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, call the question. All in favor. Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Item k, requesting authorization to enter into a new Grant Agreement with ymca for the provision of
[ inaudible ] as i said, protecting Healthcare Workers and First Responders one of the top three priorities at the health department. I dont have the numbers to share in terms of number of Healthcare Workers quarantined. They are at high risk for exposure. We are working with Hospital Systems across the city to prepare for the potential for a substantial portion of the work force to be under isolation or quarantine. One of the key things we are working on is insuring there is adequate protective equipment in keeping with the cdc guidelines to keep workers safe so they can care for the people most vulnerable for this disease. Do we not have enough healthcare wore concernings. We have a robust Healthcare System and everybody is stepping up. That will be posted on the frequently asked questions. What services at city hall are going to continue . Essential services will be continued. Essential City Services will be continued both at city hall and a cross the city. That will be provided, ab
Exactly five years after american aviator Charles Lindbergh became the first person to fly solo across the atlantic ocean, earhart became the first woman to repeat that feat. We are thrilled to welcome dorothy cochrane, curator in the economics department. Secure is the collection of general aviation aircraft, flight material, aerial cameras, and the history of general aviation and women in aviation. She is the coauthor of the aviation careers of igor as well as an essay on Amelia Earhart that is included in the published book smithsonian american women. She earned her private pilot license in 1994 and is a member of the aircraft owners and Pilot Association and experimental aircraft association. So now please join me in welcoming dorothy cochrane. [applause] dorothy good evening, everyone. Thank you so much. Can you use the mic . Dorothy all right, i it is am. Supposed to be on. Can you hear me now . It is a pleasure to be here. I thank the Smithsonian Associates for inviting me. As i
Good evening. Ill go with miss so i dont get anybodys title wrong. If i mispronounce your name, please correct me. Ill be posing questions to candidates and ive arespectingearranged arandom or. Were not going alphabetically and so its as fair as i could make it. Each candidate will get two minutes with the responsiv resp. I want this to be more conversational than debate or attacking whoever is sitting to your left. And i will jump in and kabitz with you and follow up. Theres six of you but it creates a time crunch. Its not unusual for candidates to be on the ballot and bears a moment or two of reflection. Its different from ordinary candidates. Yes, its a contested race but you want Different Things to judge in an elected representative. You want anyone who will only consider the facts in resolving a case, leaving aside a partisan agenda, which is the opposite for political candidates. You want someone who has the character of a judge, not someone who will be a fighter for you but a n
Story. 963, this woman sherry finkbine, a student, not her real name, was featured in a life magazine article. You see her in the article. The story was about a choice her family was facing. She was pregnant. Her husband had recently traveled to europe where he acquired a drug called thalidomide. The drug you see here behind me had not been approved for use yet in the United States of america and was available in many European Countries and used to treat a number of Different Things, anxiety, insomnia and nausea. Nausea here is key. So women began taking it to aleave morning sickness. And sherry finkbines husband had been in europe and acquired these pills and brought them back home for her and shes pregnant and takes 40 of them early on in her pregnancy. She and her husband did not know that thalidomide causes birth defects but then she writes an article about the drug and found out a little bit more and called her doctor and she started to learn more about what thalidomide can do, fo