In a very tragic incident, a woman was burnt alive after a fire broke out in her house on Monday night. The incident took place on Monday night in Thimmanagar of Medak district. The victims were identified as Paleboyina Mangamma (35), her husband Narsimhulu (42) and her son Ravi (14). Villagers rushed the spot but could recover only her charred body. Narismhulu and Ravi
The incident took place on Wazirabad Road in Sialkot, where the workers of private factories attacked the export manager of a factory and burnt his body over allegations of blasphemy.
UP News - कुलपहाड़ कोतवाली क्षेत्र के गांव में छेड़खानी का विरोध करने पर महिला को जिंदा जलाने का प्रयास किया गया. चीख पुकार सुनकर दौड़े ग्रामीणों ने किसी तरह आग बुझाई. | महोबा(UP News) : बात बस इतनी सी थी कि महिला ने अपने साथ हुई मारपीट की शिकायत लेकर थाने पहुंची. पुलिस ने छेड़खानी में रिपोर्ट दर्ज कर ली. आरोपी तो भाग गया लेकिन उसके मां-बाप ने महिला पर तेल छिड़क कर आग लगा दी. गांववालों ने बचाकर उसे �
यूपी के महोबा में दिल दहला देने वाली खबर सामने आई है। यहां छेड़छाड़ की शिकार एक महिला molested woman was burnt alive by the family members of the accused in mahoba - Hindustan
Jumat 02 Apr 2021 09:59 WIB
Rep: Febryan A/ Red: Elba Damhuri
Police line, an illustration of a man that was burn alive to death by his neighbor in west Jakarta. Foto: Republika/Kurnia Fakhrini
Mulyono (39 years) was doused with gasoline and burned alive in front of his house REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA A man in Jakarta city was burnt alive by his neighbor to death. The arsonist immediately fled and until now the motive for the arson was still unknown. Mulyono (39 years) was doused with gasoline and burned alive in front of his own house on Jalan Bangun Nusa, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, Monday (22/3), at 23.00 west Indonesian time (WIB). As a result, about 70 percent of Mulyono s body got burns.