that s tonight at 8:30 eastern and hopefully jamie will join in and sing and at 8:00 how comic booäf/ heroe s are helping those devastated by hurricane sandy. the murder of russian oppositionj4oñ leaderuxvkñ boris nemtsov putin was involved. he expressed concerns for his safety last)/o% week. and two retailers going head to head in a wage war, boosting minimum wage foreú4@ employees. sounds like good news, but is it? can your favorite small businessq7ñ compete in this battle? find out next.
what s been going on at this point across the malaysian peninsula and try and ator tain more information when the transponder last pinged to see what happened there. that would give us or feed those assumptions on height and speed and maybe give more accurate information down south. is miles still there? i don t want to leave anybody out of the panel? no miles. okay. is miles there? miles is not there. david gallo, what do you make of what mike s kaye is saying? sort of wants to do a reverse of the information we ve gotten from inmarsat. maybe that and the information with the pings, and that that will s pras lep to, i don t know, solidify, even hone in on the search area even better? it s important. in air france, one powerful thing. a last known position. the lkp. sat as a map on my wall two years. that lkp. it s the centerpiece for the search that we built on top of that. and, in fact, you know, mathematics, that first phase, out there for the first year,
that is last known position. and how would they find that? that is based on radar pinging and even passively radars can detect a signal from an aircraft. even if there is a horrible collision on impact? yes. we don t have a die- hard accurate position. two arcs of travel. indian ocean where they are looking now and the other is ka siskstan. there is dozens of hangers there that could house a triple seven. and i think if it is not in the indian ocean, it could be sitting in a hanger in ka sistan. got you. this story continues three hour left to find the black box which is crucial to the investigation.
air france 447 was on an underwater mountain range. if you go over just on the other side where this new search is taking place, the water can get rapidly down to about two and a half miles, and both of those require very different kinds of technology and approaches. david, help us understand on sort of the most basic level how you actually search an ocean. are you just looking for stuff? what sort of technology is deployed? how does this actually work? well, you know, it s time for the big whiteboard and some nice new sharpie. i really believe that. there s so much confusion and contradictory evidence. there were no witnesses. the last known position, the lkp, and we had a good idea where that was. and then we had four minutes of the maintenance burst that has
me. if they re that large how did they miss them during the aerial search? i am encouraged by the fact that they re close to the last known position. i can t stress how important that is. one of the lessons we learned from air france 447 is that you should always look close to the lkp, last known position. air france wasn t far from that. it was within that 20 kilometer circle. so i m enthused by that. but if those pieces are that large, which is odd, how could they have been missed in the aerial search unless they sank? how do you do that? david, the fact they re so large, you re saying it s possible they re from a plane. that just raises questions about why they were missed. is it possible that that large a chunk of plane would be intact? it would surprise me. because air france it was hard to find anything much bigger than a desk. really? it broke up that much? yeah. pretty much obliterated into smaller pieces. but this is those are pretty large chunks of aircraft. it woul