it was appropriated from a neighboring nine chinese culture, but whatever, details don t matter in 2018. found a publisher of catalina magazine and is of course our liberal sherpa guiding us through the labyrinth of this modern world. it s great to see you. thank you for coming on. hi. tucker: i get it, she unintentionally but still appropriated a cultural talisman from a culture that is not hers. does this go both ways? does this mean that chinese people are wearing neckties, which is a western invention. are they committing cultural appropriation by doing that? what she did is almost like an exploitation of a culture. she s exploiting it. it s appropriation because she is taking advantage of a culture she doesn t really know much about. i don t think a chineseoe businessman doesn t understand the western culture.e. he understands what the tie is. he understands what the suit is. she has no idea what this dress
meant or what it s about and she didn t even appreciate it. one of her comments was it sth just effing dress.. this is a culture. she borrowed a culture and she cared so little to appreciate it. tucker: if she had loved the dress more would it have better? she said she loved it because it would give her attention. she loved the attention it would give her. then she took those pictures and is poses that i think she thought were asian posers but they were actually promoting some youtube or that is controversial in itself.tuntnt and she s praying to papa john s pizza. that s what that pose is. that was in a pose that is appreciating a culture. that is a pose mocking a culture and promoting tucker: the papa john s culture? it s a youtube.
tucker: this is not the only form of cultural appropriation from china. people use chopsticks. chinese food. college students have chinese characters whose meaning they don t know tattoo on their bodies.. are all of those out-of-bounds now too? they say appropriation and appreciation is a fine line. tucker: i ve noticed. apparently she didn t understand that. she maybe is not a racist but what she did was a form of racism. we don t know if she s a racist. tucker: what you re sayingf is why people ought to stick to white culture and celebrate white culture?is no. tucker: you are not saying that? so what are you saying? i thought you were saying that white people should stay in their lane and just stick withth white culture and celebrate their own culture and, is thate what you are saying? she clearly uses it for personal gain. she was in the middle of all of those photos. she put it on twitter, on facebook. it was for attention. it wasn t like eating chinese food tuc
understand the culture of blondn menace, is that cultural appropriation? it s not a majority culture taking advantage of a minority culture. it s not someone dipping into a culture and using elements for personal gain. white americans are a tiny percentage of the culture of course. a they did it in utah. tucker: let me ask you. a minority culture. to mock people from elsewhere. tucker: i don t know if she was mocking. this raises a question about assimilation. f assimilation, which we thought for hundreds of years is a good thing, is the process of cultural appropriation. i come in and i take parts of your culture and make them my own. i adopt your culture. we thought that was good, but now the idea is that everyone
stays in their own culture and of course by definition hates every other culture. there s assimilation and there s appropriation. she didn t do this to assimilate and get to know a culture, she did it to enjoy for an evening, get as much fame and publicity out of it as she could on do facebook and twitter and social media and just stepped right. how convenient. how convenient. tucker: when someone from dubai flies on the airplane which was of course invented by the wright brothers at kitty hawk, why isn t that and just gets on the plan and a glass of champagne and doesn t think about the contribution of these ohio brothers to flight that s not cultural appropriation? perhaps they are.hi i don t think they are getting they are not hurting anyone and they are not offending anyone by doing so. when she put on that dress shein hurt and offended others and that s what happened. tucker: she really hurt them. a maybe she should go to prison. we will discuss that next week. maybe