it was appropriated from a neighboring nine chinese culture, but whatever, details don t matter in 2018. found a publisher of catalina magazine and is of course our liberal sherpa guiding us through the labyrinth of this modern world. it s great to see you. thank you for coming on. hi. tucker: i get it, she unintentionally but still appropriated a cultural talisman from a culture that is not hers. does this go both ways? does this mean that chinese people are wearing neckties, which is a western invention. are they committing cultural appropriation by doing that? what she did is almost like an exploitation of a culture. she s exploiting it. it s appropriation because she is taking advantage of a culture she doesn t really know much about. i don t think a chineseoe businessman doesn t understand the western culture.e. he understands what the tie is. he understands what the suit is. she has no idea what this dress