this is simply soles now. staying true to her original mission, she own a company that sells designer names and even added designs of her own. my brand s&p lillybee. i started lillybee in spring of 2008. it s become our best-selling collection. since 90% of the customer s business is done online, customer service is key. this catalog includes customer profiles and every order is shipped with handwritten letter. i ve made sure my staff knows that if they ve talked to the customer, take something from that call and include it in the thank you note. our customer service is all about connecting with that customer. i love them. we have every age, every professional, stay-at-home moms, professional women from all over the world. in a way cassie s business plan has come full circle with the two bu leak locations.
for him. an s korp will be more attractive if he s trying to bring on investors down the road. he may prefer that. it depends on where he sees the company going. the other thing i d say is incorporation is very important. you don t have to over think it. in the movie t social network is we all saw you can look at reincorporating later down the road if your needs change. you say go take the best advice. don t dwell on it. a question about social media for small business owners. i d love to hear from the experts about how the digital component plays and gets integrated in a larger marketing initiative. i had a conversation with guy kawasaki and i said with him, what if you re a guy and you make tires, not interested in facebook or twitter, you just want to sell tires, what should you do? he said to me, retire. basically you can t have a company and think about marketing a company without incorporate rating social media.
could bring in some exclusive styles. even before the launch cassie was sharing her concept with friends and family. i was very proud, very excited, was telling lots of people. at a wedding, cassie told some folks about her idea. and she says those people shared the news with others. soon after, her dream turned into a nightmare. while attending a trade show in las vegas, she quickly realized her business idea may have been lifted. i went to meet with one of the designers, and i had already previously met with her. she said, i am so confused. somebody just came in, i thought they were with your company, they had a similar name. obviously they re buying my collection. so i thought it was you. i said, well, that is strange. do you happen to have their card? cassie called the phone number and got quite a surprise. as she recounts the conversation, it went something like this. i said, well, my name is cassie remple, you re not going to
i think that s true. it s so great for small businesses. it s a way in around the traditional marketing which is so expensive. this is something they can do which is nimble and flexible for a company like this, you have to apply yourself. you can t set up the twitter account. you have to engage in your customers and be at it continuously. you to be smart about it. the other thing to do is make sure you capture customer information. if you have 1,000 followers on twitter, are you able to reach out to them to have lead generation come from that. is there any way to figure out what percentage of your marketing this should take snup. the first place a entrepreneur short start, what are your selling and where are your customers? it probably is a mix depending on what you sell and what your customers are between an off-line and online strategy. that will give guidance as to what to do. these are other tools to get your messages out. not to mention, put everything out there and see wh
to believe. one business owner says that is exactly what happened to her. cassie has a thriving washington, d.c.-based shoe business. it s really not anymore nm about selling shoes. it s about let me help you find a way to look good and feel good. that eventually let to simply soles. this is not the company she thought she was going to start. that business was launch bid someone else. they took the lease and almost took the same name. it was one of these things where is this reality? did i really just about open this store and have someone take this idea from me? it all started in 2003 when kassie quit her job as an accountant to follow her passion and open a specialized shoe store. what i was planning to do then was offer something that s unique and offer this edited collection which a lot of people go to boutiques specifically for that. but i also wanted to see if i