about it. those questions are significant enough that we wanted to find someone who could provide a definitive answer. elon musk seemed like the right person. musk has been thinking about ai and worrying about it for most of his life. nearly a decade ago he help founded a non-profit research project called open ai. the pint was in the name. if we re going to have artificial intelligence, and apparently we are, it ought to be open, open to the willed world. that would help inner ensure it s used for good and not evil. that was the idea. as the years passed and musk town himself preoccupied building a couple of enormous companies, open ai gay gotway from him. as of tonight, open ai is nut open. it s not a non-profit research project dedicated to artificial intelligence to serve humatin, it is in fact backed by micro microsoft and control to some extent by the democratic party. elon musk thinks that s a problem. in fact, he thinks it s threat to human civilization. mount tantamo
surrounding the nightmare that is joe biden at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. 8:57 a.m. they called the lid on the day, joe was done. he was tired. he had a busy vacation. today marks the 100th day that kevin mccarthy has been speaker. we will remind you of the promises he made to become speaker and the promises he has kept. we are going to hold elected officials accountable. plus, we will talk to the great one, any mark levine fans here not just hunter who turned a profit by selling access to pops we have few developments tonight that are huge. we ll break that fews. also, jimmy, kaley, they will be here in studio with more on the panic, the full blow panic at budweiser and anheuser anheuser busch has sales now plummet even further. full analysis, we ll have tucker s interview with elon musk. listen to this shocking revelation the degree to which various government agencies effectively have full access to everything was going on in twitter blew my mind. they had full access
tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. eastern. the documentary eat bugs. just in case you re wondering what happens to your tax dollars. they re sending it to scientists to create a tasty cockreach. have a good night. have the best night with the ones you love and we ll see you in about 23 hours. welcome to monitor hannity, we begin with a fox news alert and we are back with a live audience in few york city. the only people that are normal 9 york inn. in just a moment, mayhem thin windy city of, shooting, murder, assault, anarchy in the streets of our entire country, almost. a great american city is dying, literally, right before our eyes. it is not the only city now on the verge of destruction. shocking video straight ahead. house speaker kevin mccarthy will join us with detail