The Adena Culture emerged in the Ohio River Valley sometime between 1400 and 800 BC, and persisted until around 300 AD. Adena raised earthen mounds ranging from just a few inches to nearly 70 feet high (21 meters). Within the mounds, the honored dead were buried in sub-mound pits, log tombs, and occasionally elaborate timber structures. The human remains from the mounds were frequently found with artifacts, including copper bracelets, beads, and gorgets, as well shell, flint, and slate objects.
A Kentucky couple has filed a lawsuit seeking more than $1 million after the husband suffered severe injuries in a 20-foot fall at the house of a longtime friend in Crystal Beach, TX.
Linda Blackford: The descendants of Pine Mountain Settlement School founder William Creech want a say over land that used to be theirs. But they were not the first owners of Pine Mountain.
In part 1 of this article, the features of the Liverpool Mound group in Fulton County Illinois were described. This second half focuses on the possible meanings of the mounds and their contents and should be cross-referenced with the data from Part 1.