After a COVID-19 hiatus, the hit CBS show “Survivor” has returned, this time with a familiar face for Evanston residents. Twenty-year-old Liana Wallace, an Evanston native and student at Georgetown University, has joined the cast of “Survivor” Season 41. The show follows a group of marooned individuals competing in challenges and obstacles who are progressively.
After a COVID-19 hiatus, the hit CBS show “Survivor” has returned, this time with a familiar face for Evanston residents. Twenty-year-old Liana Wallace, an Evanston native and student at Georgetown University, has joined the cast of “Survivor” Season 41. The show follows a group of marooned individuals competing in challenges and obstacles who are progressively.
Evanston may be the dining capital of the North Shore, but Northwestern’s plentiful dining options mean students never have to leave campus for a good meal. NU boasts five separate dining halls and several cafes, as well as rotating food vendors in the Norris University Center. As a freshman student living on campus, you will.
The Daily Northwestern Olivia Alexander
Olivia is a freshman journalism major from Little Rock, Arkansas. She covers mostly arts and education. Outside of The Daily, Olivia is on Willard Residential College’s central committee and is a member of Canterbury Northwestern. You can reach her via email or Twitter. All content by Olivia Alexander
As of last week, Medill freshman Jimmy He had never set foot on campus. Aside from one small New Jersey meetup, he’d never met any of his classmates in-person.
But after months of waiting, He finally moved into his dorm on Jan. 4. He met his roommate, who he’d been video-chatting every week since August, in-person for the first time.
“It felt pretty surreal,” He said.
Students moved into on-campus housing Jan. 4 – 8, with precautions in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The move-in was emotional for many students like He, who were disappointed by the University’s decision in the fall to bar most first- and second-year students from living on campus.