after an hour, it s not a tan. look at the girls in the bikini. you have to have your eyes on the water all the time. furthermore you don t see girls in the bikinis. no girl with a bikini has a problem swimming. i believe he is hero. its tough job. and giving them mouth to mouth and they have a cold sore. do i or do i not. and your girlfriend is going to believe you. i did it because lifeguard. and gave them mouth to mouth with your crotch. what should you do with old broken toys for tots. that is cool, dana. will romney pick a woman for vice president?
going to be a strong push by residents to say you got to do this. recovery act money. and they hated it. they wound out putting press releases, we hate the stimulus but we ll take it. come on. will romney have to do nothing? no, he will sign executive orders, he will slow things down, but repeal is a whole other question. that s if you can get to 60 votes and if you can convince people it s not a budget reconciliation measure. remember, 60 votes in the senate, no matter what happens in this election is going to be a real stretch for republicans. rob portman, in the new york times, says you can t get everything through reconciliation with respect to appeal, just the budgetary stuff. within the gop caucus there is confusion. surprise. dissent within the gop caucus. coming up, the obama campaign fills in-boxes with messages about low fund-raising cofferes. does it indicate urgency or desperation or something else? we will talk with bill burton.
and an old drug back with a new and deadly vengeance, hooking and killing young, smart, and mostly white suburban kids. good evening, everyone. i m don lem hon. we want to get you up to speed. we want to get you updated. we ve learned sandusky s defense team plans to appeal his conviction for child section abuse on the grounds that sandusky had ineffective council. we ve also learned that if the judge agrees to hear an appeal, attorney joe amendola would step aside as one of sandusky s attorneys and would testify for the defense. sandusky s other attorney told listeners on a radio program saturday that he an amendola had asked to withdraw from the case before jury selection saying they didn t feel adequately prepared to defend sandusky. the judge denied that request. under pennsylvania law, sandusky s attorneys cannot file an appeal until after sentencing. sandusky is scheduled to be sentenced in about three months. he was convicted friday night on 45 counts of sexually abu
and deadly vengeance, hooking and killing young, smart, and mostly white suburban kids. good evening, everyone. i m don lemon. we want to get you up to speed. we want to get you updated. we ve learned sandusky s defense team plans to appeal his conviction for child section abuse on the grounds that sandusky had ineffective council. we ve also learned that if the judge agrees to hear an appeal, attorney joe amendola would step aside as one of sandusky s attorneys and would testify for the defense. sandusky s other attorney told listeners on a radio program saturday that he an amendola had asked to withdraw from the case before jury selection saying they didn t feel adequately prepared to defend sandusky. the judge denied that request. under pennsylvania law, sandusky s attorneys cannot file an appeal until after sentencing. sandusky is scheduled to be sentenced in about three months. he was convicted friday night on 45 counts of sexually abusing ten children over 15 years.
congress and comprehensive discussions in a bipartisan bill and the president has undermined that trying to score points with latino voters after ignoring them for 3 1/2 years. where was he in 2009 with comprehensive immigrationry form? same place in 2007, not a priority in 2007 when he said he was for it and voted against it. neil: how will it sort out? latino community is a group that typically, has backed democrats and this president. and, depending on the poll, still backs them. that could change if someone lick a rubio is put on the romney ticket, but what is your sense of the latino vote? guest: it is supportive of the president today, but skeptical, and open to change. they are worried about the economy, worried about jobs, they were turned off by the rhetoric in the republican primary and the question is, will romney make the case that says, your community is being hurt by the poor american economy and i will encourage the dreams of entrepreneurship and