it s outrageous. why don t you call mitch mcconnell and say that? i will call mitch mcconnell and ask do you think it s wise for the democrats to take up the next three months why don t you ask him to put some votes on the floor on some of the bills that your house passed? some of these bills, most all of them actually, are bills the republicans wanted to work with democrats on, but democrats know that if we work across the aisle and actually have a bill, we re all in unison on the president might actually sign it. god forbid the house pass something the president signs. they won t go for that. the u.s./mexico trade agreement, it s bipartisan. the votes are there. if it passes the house, sails through the senate. the president signs tfrmt sad reality, they say the same thing on the other side. i ll agree, i ll welcome you back again. the more you figure out how to do things together, the better. will this move help that, i
kavanaugh with fake gang rape allegation.. it didn t work but we will still have to endure a creepy porn lawyer presidential run. he said he would come on our show but he dodged all of ourti policy related questions and instead talked up his lawsuit against the president. we agreed not to verbally call him creepy porn lawyer emma we made no such agreement about our graphics or what happened at the conclusion of the interview. cpl on the set was one of the most unforgettable moments in the two your history of the show, here it is in its full, hope you enjoy. tucker: why dodged the question? you traveled here with policy advisors who worked on other campaigns.he i didn t travel here with policy advisors, can i ask you a question? tucker: i ask you a simple question that you re not answering. why don t you call donald trump a creepy porn
answering. why don t you call donald trump a creepy porn president? he had do you believe that he had sex with my client? you re okay with that, you think it s okay that he lies to the american people. tucker: let me finish my question to you, what is the crime, the harm, the injury to your client by donald trump? as far as i understand this was a consensual relationship, i believe it occurred, i m willing to believe that it did it seemed consensual and she was paid at the end of it and yet you i m not attacking stormy daniels i feel like she s been exploited. i feel you and others are exploiting her so i feel bad for her. i think you demean her repeatedly. and i think you re a hypocrite.
morning. it is the first day of december. a great deal for investors to tackle this month. beginning with the jobs report on friday. last report before the fed makes a decision on interest rates. the consensus it is likely to raise rates. nearly every jobs indicator has been improving. even the under employment rate. especially for college graduates. it is now just 6.2%. compared to 10.2% during the recession. the analysis shows tales of college educated baristas is rarer. the college degree is the ticket out of under employment. the federal reserve s message to big banks. don t expect a bailout in the next financial crisis. the fed cannot give funding to banks going bankrupt. if it had been in place during the financial crisis, it would have prevented giving money to
believe he has left or successfully completed the journey yet. they are looking for him on belgium soil. phil black, thank you. the white house tightening the government s visa waiver program. the move is designed to stop people who visited conflict zones to board u.s. bound commercial flights. the u.s. administration is hoping to prevent an attack like the one in paris. it includes stiffer fines for airlines that don t verify passenger identifications. e-mails written by hillary clinton and sent to her daughter chelsea on the night of the benghazi attacks released by the state department. the former secretary of state using the name diane reynolds telling her daughter the attack was launched by an al qaeda like group. 39 minutes past the hour. european shares mostly lower.