behind. on the budget, he wants to cut spending and increase spending. on health care, he wants to get everybody covered. on wall street, sales fat cats but wants to collect their fat. politics, friends with the other side, but bash them at the same time. then she closes this way. sometimes as chris christie put it, the president has to show up. the man in the oval office shields his identity. one of the most important issues basing this nation on some of the most important issues facing the nation, it s time for the president to come out of the closet. mike barnicle, growing frustration by many on the left is that this president, i don t want to say doesn t stand for
are you a flake? well, you know what i found interesting watching the clip on michele bachmann is the impact, clearly, that ed rollins and other professional people have had on her, she didn t bite, she didn t snap at the question. she looked fairly reasonable to me, to this eye and it raises the question in my mind to which other candidate, to whom is she going to be the bigger nightmare, mitt romney or sarah palin? there it is. if you look at the latest des moines poll, she is a serious problem for all. she has this race, over the past week has turned into a race against mitt romney and michele bachmann. a lot of surprise there. i was glad the question i didn t know she was a lawyer and i follow things closely. she had the opportunity to lay
we want to make sure our children are getting the values we are teaching at home. we made that decision. i pay my $38,000 in property taxes. most of them go to the school system. it s my obligation as a citizen. i made the choice. my wife made the choice to pay for our kids to go to a parochial school. t her question it s none of her business why that decision was made. i m a product of the public schools in new jersey. i probably know more about it than she does. i m sure the teachers are proud of that fact. there s a lot of them who are. before we get to the budget, your approval rating is 44% according to a poll.
enough. they are not going from idea to idea. had he not had he not pulled the coalition earl enough, the criticism would be louder. is it confusing? yes. so is the middle east and the rest of the world. he thinks one of the reasons members of congress are as critical as they are, they see him at not paying dues like they paid. mike, let s talk, we ll take libya for instance. libya, afghanistan, it s where the president has more sway than anything. look at libya. he says we are not trying to kill gadhafi. they are trying to kill gadhafi. we are not engaged in
around. he s coming in the room finally. get joe biden out and him in. they want to hear from the man or woman in charge. the president is the person in charge. he s the one to force consensus and make concessions the republicans will believe they can count on. it s important. when i say i ll get republican votes to do this, they look at me and go okay, we ll do it. otherwise, it s squishy and everyone takes a risk. i want to be clear on taxes. at this point, they are not the same thing. we have had fair tax rates and people consider tax rates on the wealthiest. i think we are at a point where it is. i don t want to be overly critical. we have tracked car jobs and we have problems in our system.