statements about this inelection the upcoming elections. let s hope so. yeah.le and buckt s ho k,, you know, it s interesting, i read through the statements that the thet representatives for the biden family come out with and guess what? if i you read it carefully, they don t actually deny it. they don t actually deny tha this money is going into the biden bank accounts. and again, den no questions, no curiosity, no reporting, certainly not going to being in on the front page oftoba newspapers. nk it s fascinating. they also no longer really deny that the laptop that lays all this out and is the reason why we know 10% for the big guy and all the rest of it.ppe the laptop that came from that computer repair store, hunter biden is now suing i that guy fr invasion of privacy that came out today as well. so you look at what we ve been told about this all along. oh, it se a witch hunt.s, there s nothing there. no, actually , everything that has been said so far about it, hunter biden and
lawrence, this sets, ares a profession back . prof men and womenessiod men who put that uniform on every day and go out here and serve and protect the communities. these officers do not deservee e to wear the uniform of memphis, notsee, as police on a geraldo geraldo. in this particula ar case,pat the suspect was african-american. the five copiche suspect wass id african-americans. there s a so-called news network. or it s a comedk,y channel. a come i guess you have van jones yosaying at the police that killed tyree nichols were black, but who k they might stin have been driven by racism. bhe says black people are not t immune to anti black messages. f one of the sadac facts about anti black racism is that blacke people ourselves are not immune to its pernicious effects and society s message that black people are inferiosocietr unworthy and dangerous is pervasive.
0 antiscience. freekeh, google agrees antisi with this. no questionsgoogle. que google just took down dow project veritas video exposing the pfizer executive on youtube. according to youtube, quote, we remove the content forto violatin youg our policies and covid-19 vax misinformation. whator makes no sense. weekend but i have a wonderful weekend anyway with the ones you have. and we will see you monday. ca kahnawake, i m not going to hannity. and we start with a foity.x news alert this friday night. now, tonight, we are monitoringt the ground in new york city, in city the city of memphis, tennessee, where just hours ago local laws, enforcement, they releasedforcee a body cam footage showingleingn the incident thacit led to the death of terry nichols allegedly at the hands of fo five officers. now former memphis police officers. this videorm memphis is extremet in nature. and now cities acrosurcisties as the country,the coun they are bg for potentially a night of violence. but befo
particularly the former prosecutor general, are they re they re not things that we should be pursuing as part of our national security strategy with ukraine. atst the one in person meeting had with mayor giuliani on the 19th, mayor giuliani raised the conspiracy theories that vice president biden would have been influenced. as i ve previously testified, i ve known vice president biden for 24 years. hefo is an honorable man and i hold himab in the highest regar that s ambassador kurt volker who k resigned when the impeachment scandal broke open a few weeks ago. he was asked to testify before thesesk proceedings. he accepted that invitation to testify and he resigned his job. what that means though, because he was the first witness they asked to come in and give a closed door deposition, that tells you that the democratic leadership of the impeachment hearings were happy to hear from him in the first instance.
people who are die hard democrats, sort of disillusioned republicans who don t love president trump, and most importantly, people who never voted before in the state who k will come out for her. so it s a tale of two cities, a tale of two countries we re seeing across the country. this sort of dark immigrant, safety focused message on the right, and the message from the democrats is anything but that. it s looking into the future. it s looking forward. it s trying to build a coalition that s diverse racially and economically to push forward ideas that are very opposite from what the president is talking about. thanks for that, beth. as we monitor these duelling rallies, let s bring in our panel. victoria, an msnbc contributor and professor. paul cain, senior congressional correspondent. steve isreal, former democratic congressman. and susan, republican strategist. it s great to have all of you