Conway City Council voted to move forward with creating a task force to help develop a plan and goals for the former Whittemore Elementary School site and potentially Whittemore Park Middle, if the city acquires the property.
Conway city leaders are hoping to own the Whittemore Park Middle School property once the school moves to its new campus on El Bethel. City council voted to direct the city administrator to send a letter of intent to Horry County Schools regarding the city’s interest in acquiring the property.
Conway City Council members on July 17 unanimously voted to notify the Horry County Board of Education of the city’s interest in acquiring Whittemore Park Middle School, which will soon be replaced by a new school on El Bethel Road. The school s history dates back to the segregation era.
A runoff between Conway Council candidates Autry Benton and Kendall Brown is headed for a runoff June 27 because neither candidate was able to draw more than 50% of the vote, which would have required about 650 votes.