hello, everyone, i am dana perino along with the crew, it is 5:00 o clock in new york city, and this is the five. when you re out from the 2024 election. joe biden is losing stunning poles, painting a catastrophic picture for the president and donald trump leading joe biden, crucial to winning the white house, the only claims a narrow advantage in wisconsin, but that is not all wis the damage the je biden is digging up, critical support from all aspects, including that voters under 30 favor mr. biden by only a single percentage point, lead among hispanic voters is down to single digits and while they preferred mr. trump and women preferred mr. biden.ent, in speaking of the former president, david axelrod is suggesting that joe biden should drop out. it s not just political but actuarial, and there s a lot of. concern about the age issue. and that is something that i think that he needs to ponder, just do a check and say okay, io this the right thing to do. t
welcome to hannity . and tonight, americans may feel uneasy and for good reason. anti-american rage is now spiking, but not just abroad. as we speak, there are peopleat living right here in our country that hat hate our and our way of life. they burn our flag. they call for an intifada on our streets. we have overseas our soldiers are getting attacked daily. and your president, joe biden,g. he does absolutely nothing. americans still being held hamas hostage by hamas, joe. he does nothinjog. our biggest ally in the middle east, they are fighting fong foe their very survival. and your president, joe biden, is beggings to pause anysponse response. and by? the way, they are attacking joe biden is even attacking politically the prime minister of israel that is fighting for his country sg survival. bibi netanyahu is he s in the middle of a figh t for survival. what are you doing, joe? w and by the way, america s enemies, they are now pilingica on and piling on big time. s enru
and tonight, many t americans long suffering from trump derangement syndrome are downright giddy. sufferinbut yesterday s verdictt a cure for their disease. e trum in fact, the trump campaign, i will argue tonight, is stronger than evewill ar. e e after the verdict, the former president s campaign said it raisedorme what, a massive record,$34.8 mi $34.8 million in just 6 hours. and by the way, that includes tr their site crashing. meanwhile, one flash poll si trump with a sixtrum point bump. and the former president himself is nowdeterm more than ever to save our country for from political warfare. watch this. this is a case where if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. these are bad people. were we weren t allowed to be allowed to use our election e expert under any circumstances . you saw what happened to some of the witnesses that were our side. they were literally crucified. sideey wer thereg fout because i m doing something for this country and i m doi
on president trump s personal accounts while he was the whiteh house running this country as a leader of the freeiss world. that s not a normal case. that s not bread and butte.r. let me ask you this. you talked about july 11th,. by the way, ironically, four days before the republicabo convention, somebody classy, feloniesni somebody with no prir history of any convictionformer of any kind, former president in the middle of a campaignn th, you would think that a judge would release him on his own recognizance. he s certainlyn hi not a flightot s risk. he s got secret service around himecree ar and a pendinl . nothing about this judge would surprise me. is he going to givouldel he d confinement? will he dare put donald trump in jai airport in jaill? s do you have any thoughts about where this is headed? i look, i hope and i m going to spend the next every dayy until july 11th working to make sure that there is no jail1th o
care. yes, that also protect preexisting conditions. we believe in liberty and freedom and capitalism and our constitution and the uss bill of rights upheld u by constitutionalists t on the bench. but joe isn t particularly familiar with any of those beliefss because joe doesn t actually talk to any republicans or conservativesub and he doesn t reach across the aisle. republicans were pushed out of any negotiation with build back better or build about broke as i call. they were not at all involved in this power grab that they re trying even at this hour tonight , which we ll talkkht, about the minute instead he s hiding away at the white h house and spending 25% of his time at the beach somewhere in delaware, all whilear his socialist handlers are fundamentally trying to transforme this country into a new green deal. socialist utopiaal with the slimmest of majorities in the house and the senate. sod th i guess congratulate joe. you might be the worst president in modern american histor