care. yes, that also protect preexisting conditions. we believe in liberty and freedom and capitalism and our constitution and the uss bill of rights upheld u by constitutionalists t on the bench. but joe isn t particularly familiar with any of those beliefss because joe doesn t actually talk to any republicans or conservativesub and he doesn t reach across the aisle. republicans were pushed out of any negotiation with build back better or build about broke as i call. they were not at all involved in this power grab that they re trying even at this hour tonight , which we ll talkkht, about the minute instead he s hiding away at the white h house and spending 25% of his time at the beach somewhere in delaware, all whilear his socialist handlers are fundamentally trying to transforme this country into a new green deal. socialist utopiaal with the slimmest of majorities in the house and the senate. sod th i guess congratulate joe. you might be the worst president in modern american histor
0 an ultimate vote on that. there had been a debate just about over the past couple of hours, a lot of discussion about whether or not they can end th the debate itself about moving forward with m a vote a on the filibuster. yes. and we also know that it s not going to pass ultimately, tucker,,lt no, it s not. kyrsten sinema a hero suddenlyev the minds of many the greatat kevin kirk, thanks for that . good to see you tonight , johnow . entities over now. all right.nk and thank you talk and welcome to hannity and after days and days and days ofay resting, studying, prepping, joe bidenn finally trotted out to the podium for just to the secod solo press conference ever as president and as expected did nott, go well at all. in fact, it was the longestkl frankly mosty painful, even embarrassing presser i ve ever witnessed. no doubt he still has lucid moments here and there, but more often than not, joe is clearly lost . he is confused, especiallyn prompter, frankly,th knowing the world is w