pretty direct about his feelings on that. on facebook he posted the meme that said quote oh , black , please kill all the whites. why was he so angry? will james explain that himself? notself. the vast majority of quote the vast majority ofpl people white mfa s arason he d h seen that on cnn and he c believed it. ned long there were signs long before the shooting yesterday that james was dangerousha and e might act out against other people. in one instance, james filmed himself shouting racial epithets at people on the street, quote ifel you and your white to you and mfr and to throw that in for good luck, i don t listen to white racist mfr. they do exist. they do exist. could g we couldo go on and on and on etext asians too disgusting. so this guy was a racist. he was not a white supremacist and that might surprise youus because joe biden and some of , e shills who worked for him including the attorney general and the head of dhs haveto told us again and again and again
0 increase the chances of developing serious infections and may causebser existingnd parasitic skin infestations or preexisting chances to worsen. newmyer places where certain clinical studies and potch approval most common side for i m speechless. thanksapoq to the african well that s what friends are for. ask your veterinarian for athi qunol next to young as well as a dog best friend. goo good evening. welcome to tucker carlson site. during the morning rush hour yesterday in new york city, a man wearing a hoodie threw a smoke bomb. the subway train pulled out a gun and then shot ten people. in the end, dozens were injured. a horrifying crime. police have finally arrested the suspect who did so today. wo we re learning a lot more about him. but first we want to go new y tk new york city for a quickhe update on this story.ic shawn is eric shawn is standing by for us . tucker , tonight . this is a city relieved mayor eric adams and police simply saying we got him moments ago. frank
inflammatory racial statements, j.w. i m not going to read them on the air. but you can imagine what i mki talking about involve words like the, the white mfa s a and he talked about plotting tot shoot and kill or knock old ladies across the head ghd knock them down becausese of the hopelessness of the plight of black americans. am americans. this was this is quite this is this is quite something to behold as the new york post is reporting your comments on that i i. it s once again here we are. i think we ve been beating the drum long and hard enough and i think, you know, this isr now on our shores. s that this i would imagine that this individual probably as small as this may sound, probably isn t someone that is fair. probably someone that had he jumped a turnstile and there was a cop there in front ofim them probably could have, initiated a subject stop and who knows what that may have lent. we probably wouldn t be where we are today. we reso you telling